Wednesday, August 22, 2007

2007 No.8 typhoon on ape hill 聖帕颱風中的柴山

颱風後的柴山 滿目創夷 十幾級的強風 雅座變色 被壓迫的枝幹 灰色的風 八方落地殘葉 荒涼桌椅 大自然力量 警告唳人
It is terrible on mountain when the typhoon is invading. The ape hill, too , is dangerous, not only the high degree windy but the rains. This time when forecast announced that the center of the typhoon will leave on 11 AM Aug.11 2007, we going to ape hill for the early view soon after the holocaust. The water is on medium amount and no obvious flood making river-like creek. The trees are destroyed somewhere,yet not severe than last year.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Orange Jasmine柴山巨木--七里香 murraya paniculata

柴山巨木很多 大部份都是常綠喬木 這一棵"七里香"(Murraya paniculata Jack 為云香科Rutaceae 月橘屬 又名月橘 英文 名為 orange jasmine )是灌木類中長得最高大的 幾乎是國寶級了 每年五月花盛開時 會吸引許多蝴蝶 蜜蜂 在觀景台之下

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Shan-Hai Temple, Nai-Wei 內惟山海宮

The temple is brother-hood temple of the Chai-Shan's.

In World WarII, the Chai-Shan Shan-Hai Temple is moving to here in Nai-Wei, eastern side of the hill, then back to origional site. After the moving, the site is estabished a new temple but same god--Chufuchianshuei, as old one---

二次大戰時 柴山山海宮疏散到柴山東側之內惟 戰後 山海宮奉還柴山 內惟原址另建山海宮 是為"內惟山海宮" 位於 高雄市鼓山區建榮路 內惟派出所後面 此二處信徒現在 仍互動瀕繁
主祀也是 朱府千歲

柴山觀景臺 viewpoint of Ape hill

The viewpoint of Ape hill. It could oversee to Tainan if the sky is clear. Mr.and Mrs. Huang are immortal to enjoy the nature, here.
柴山觀景台 在好漢坡頂端 天氣好的時候 可以遠眺台南 黃氏夫婦也是柴山愛好者